Followers can view the "historical order", "current order", and "follower" data of trading experts.
Contract data:
I. Historical order
1. Positioning: long/short, leverage, contract trading pairs, full position/position by position;
2. Opening price/Exit Price: Shows the actual opening and closing prices and times of trading experts, and there may be a slight difference between the actual opening and closing prices of followers.
3. Yield: (Exit Price - Opening Price)/Opening Price * 100%;
4. Order number: The number of a single transaction by the trading expert.
II. Current order
1. Positioning: long/short, leverage, contract trading pairs, full position/position by position;
2. Opening price: Shows the actual opening price of the trading expert;
3. Current price: Synchronized with the price of the corresponding contract pair on BVOX;
4. Yield: Floats in real time with the current price;
5. Order number: The number of a single transaction by the trading expert.
III. Followers
1. Followers: Only show the top 50 followers who follow the income ranking (including all followed users);
2. Follow total: the sum of the copy principal of the order that the follower has positioned squaring with this trading expert;
3. Copy profit: The total copy profit of the order that the follower has positioned squaring with this trading expert.
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