Dear BVOX users:
When you enter this website and browse any of its pages, you agree to comply with the following statements. Before you use this website, please read the legal statement carefully. If you do not accept this statement, please stop using this website immediately, otherwise it is deemed to have fully accepted the restriction of this Website voluntarily.
Statement 1
Dedicated to serving the needs of global digital asset enthusiasts and investors, our website provides access to premier financial products and a world-class trading platform, all while rigorously adhering to pertinent laws and regulations. We expressly prohibit the use of our services for unlawful activities including, but not limited to, money laundering, smuggling, and commercial bribery. Any account suspected of involvement in such activities will be promptly frozen and reported to the relevant legal authorities.
Statement 2
In cases where a recognized authority, supported by an appropriate investigation certificate, requests our website's cooperation in an investigation concerning a specific user, or when the user's account must be closed, frozen, or transferred, we will comply with these requests. This compliance may involve the provision of the requested user account data or execution of the necessary operation as required by the authority. Please note that our website assumes no liability for any consequent breaches of user privacy, operation failures, or losses arising from such compliance.
Statement 3
In the event a user of our website violates any provision within this statement, thereby infringing upon relevant laws, our responsibility as a service provider is to refine the rules and services of our platform. Nonetheless, we do not possess any intention to contravene any laws or regulations, nor have we perpetrated any actual breaches of the relevant laws or rules. Therefore, we will not assume any joint or several liability for the user's actions.
March 18th, 2023
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